Monday, December 10, 2012

Choosing a name for this was important and tough.  For years and years the most common line going through my head has been "Do I have enough lipstick on?"  I considered that but wasn't sure it was the right thing. (I'll probably reserve that to be chiseled onto my tombstone.) Knew it wouldn't be something like "Blonde Ramblings" or "DogLover1977."  So I looked around at home.....sorta like the old stories you hear about naming Native American Children.  Snow on Branch.  Quivering Moon.  Full Litterbox.  Nope.  Still not right.  I have two pairs of leopard house slippers.  The slip-on, clog/scuff kind....not the glamorous starlet kind.  One pair has seen better days and the other pair long ago saw better days. 
Many of you know me as a strong supporter and proud wearer of flipflops no matter the season.  You may not know that I've a fondness for slippers as well but *only* when it's cold.  The first pair I really remember was in grade school and I got them for Christmas from Uncle Merle and Dorothy.  They were beautiful. The kind of beautiful that maybe you shouldn't wear.  Maybe they should be up on top of the dresser so you could sneak quick peeks of them from time to time and then maybe get them down and wear while you sat on the edge of the bed, legs dangling.  They were light blue leather.  Gold studs danced across the instep and down onto the toe area.  And the most wonderful part?  OMG....they were lined with rabbit fur dyed light blue to match. I was in heaven. And I had a light blue and white floral quilted robe with pearlized snaps on the bodice.  Well, you can imagine just how special I felt.  I felt taller.  And glamorous.  And sophisticated.  Uh-huh, right glamorous. At that age Mom still made me wear hats and even headscarves tied under my chin on windy days.  I was losing teeth and entering those awkward years.  Oh, but put me in those slippers and that coordinating robe and I floated around the house.  I wore those slippers.  And wore them.  Wore them for so many hours a day that the baby blue rabbit fur was sweaty and flattened.  By morning it had regained its fluffiness and I was back in business.  I wore them until the ends of my toes started feeling like Chinese bound feet.  Eventually they were retired and I mourned them.  Fast Forward to my late teen years.  I loved Lanz flannel nightgowns.  Got a pattern and started making my own nightgowns.  Still a house slipper fan and a fan of wanting things coordinated, I started making slipcovers for my slippers out of extra fabric so that I had matching nightgowns and slippers. (Feel free to laugh.  I know.  I've always been odd like this.)
So, the latest incarnation of house slippers is leopard.  As one pair gets worn and the cushioning is flattened, I buy another pair but keep the original pair as a backup pair in another part of the house.  When one totally hits the Wall of Death it's thrown out and a new pair is added and the former best pair is demoted to backup.  It's a much less complicated process than this is sounding.
The work day is almost over and I'll be heading home soon.  You needn't ask.  Yes, I'll be padding around the house in leopard house slippers.

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