Saturday, December 8, 2012

And So It Begins......

Ok, I'm starting this. Ken Thompson and Marianne Boruch--you've encouraged me to write. Maybe it's even almost verged on (dare I say it?) nagging. I feel like I've walked into an empty house and I have all this bare space to arrange and rearrange my furniture words. Will anyone even want to come to my house? How will they know where I to find this Blog House of Words?

I love Ritz crackers. That was one of the staples at home when I was growing up. And saltines and cottage cheese. And cheese to put on any of those crackers. I'm not OCD but always just ate Ritz crackers with the top side up. You know the top side.....a little darker, more topographic than the bottom side, and there's a dusting of salt.  So, one time recently I went a little rogue (gasp!) and ate it upside down!  The salted side went face first, smack flat down on my tongue. WOW!  It was different. It tasted slightly different!

So, it's all about perception. The same thing but different. I love to sit on my back porch. So much to listen to. And when I close my eyes I hear sooo much more. I can isolate the sounds. Hear the difference in the birds' voices, locate creaking tree branches, hear kids playing a street over, listen for the dogs and be able to tell they're getting closer to me because the clicking of their toenails grows almost imperceptibly louder.  

And so this begins. Perception. Words. Upside down crackers. 


  1. Wonderful beginning. Absolutely wonderful. I'm looking forward to more. Maybe I'll start up my blog again and we can "follow" each other.

  2. Wonderful, and about time! For old times' sake, may I make a suggestion? Your piece on "Leopard Houseslippers" is absolutely delightful, but could I ask you to use some paragraph breaks as in "And So It Begins..."? Large, solid blocks of type give me vertigo. OK? I hope you aren't offended--blogs are supposed to be criticism-free areas.

  3. I just read your latest blog with the big news--house deciding is so huge! Wow! And now that you have the guy, the ring, the date, and the photo, I know that you and Ken will bring it off with panache, style, and true coolth. All our congratulations, best wishes, and love.
